Friday 9 March 2007

Manic Friday

I feel a slightly bit better after my rant yesterday, but I still feel abused. How she could behave like she does towards me astounds me, I couldn't have done that to my mum. Values have changed over time.
Anyway, Geoff has spoken to her and she's been to the wedding dress shop & they will measure her monthly & alter the dress if needed. It won't be the same though.

I had a 'comment' from a girl in Spain. She said she'd like to come to the Faith Scrappers retreat but she lived too far away! I was amazed that people read my blog so far away, as well as the numbers of people who read my blog. It must be interesting to someone!!!! LOL

I went out for a meal last night with the church 'Ladies' Focus Group' - it was great to meet up with a couple of people I haven't seen for a while. I actually had a good laugh, but, boy, wasn't I tired when I came in! And I spent a lot of my time last night in pain & had to have some Oromorph.
We're entertaining tonight. Geoff has invited 2 couples from church to come to dinner. He does all the cooking etc, but he says he enjoys it. Good for him. His food is excellent - well done hunny!

I have decided to sign up to do an OU course in Digital Photography. I was undecided at first, but then I thought it would give me something to aim for & if I could progress further I could take up photography as more than just a hobby. I'd love to do weddings. Geoff has ok'd the fees, I've got my posh camera, and off I go!!

We have a slow weekend this weekend, but I think we'll have to go into town to get Alice some shoes. I didn't realise the state of them - we could have got them in Lakeside. Damn.

Must close off now to do my notice sheet.
God bless - thanks for your prayers Paul - and enjoy your weekend.