Sunday 25 March 2007

I didn't realise that I hadn't posted for so long... I have been suffering badly with Fibromyalgic pain and has knocked me off my feet. I feel dreadful. I wonder sometimes if I'd be better off somewhere else...
My DD is back to where she left off from when I was poorly in June. I knew it wouldn't be too long before she started on me again. I'm, apparently, interfering with her wedding arrangements, well good luck to her then. She's going to be 5 months pregnant when she gets married. Can't even get that right, but this time I don't have to do the worrying - Carl can see her at her best.
I've had some great news -- my son, Ian, is getting married next June - 21st. Kelly is going to be the best daughter-in-law any mum can ever have. She's so caring.
I feel dreadful. I'm going back to bed.