Sunday, 3 February 2008

Sunday 3rd February

Happy Sunday to you all!! I woke at 10.30 this morning and I felt better than I have for a long time, despite having woken several times in the nite & having to suffer my dear husband's nocturnal noises ( :o). I have been finishing a couple of layouts and I have just done week 4's challenge for UK Scrappers ( which was a layout that I've had the papers for ages and have never had the photos / layout that suited them. I used the Basic Grey 'Blitzen' that came in a monthly kit from USA that has now closed down - that's how long I've had them! It goes to show that one day you will use those papers. I have masses of the [very] loud 'Tinkering Ink' papers that also came in a kit from the same people --- any ideas????!!!
Just a quick reminder for all my 'girls' that there's the informal club evening this Thursday (7th) and I will be demonstrating the hand-cutting titles that I should have done on the January class. Bring a [sharp] knife & a tile if you want to actually use / practice this technique. I shall have some titles printed on white card -- you can colour with pens, chalks, ink pads, embossing, the list is endless!
Look forward to seeing you!
I'm being called to join in a board game downstairs -- I think it's 'Cluedo' - do you remember that one? I got loads of family presents for Christmas of board / DVD games so that we can have family 'quality time' together. Alice has eaten some chocolate so she's bouncing off the walls & giggling for no real apparent reason. It's okay for a while then it kinda does my head in...
I've been looking at the brilliant classes that are up for the [fantastic] 'Total Papercrafts' (aka Karen) all day crop on Saturday. The classes are brilliant. I have booked in for 3 as any more drains me & I can't concentrate & then I panic (all part of my Syndrome). I shall be there, by hook or by crook!!
See you soon! GillX