Phew! What a busy weekend! There was I thinking I'd finish my cards & wrap my presents.........
I'd better amend that to 'by Friday'! I have finish making handmade cards, it's just the 'normal' ones that need writing.
I found out today that a dear Aunt of mine passed away at the weekend. My cousin said she was feeling a bit unwell with headaches on Saturday, and, on Sunday, when Sally tried to phone her there was no answer. She was found dead in her bed. That's kinda put the dampners on my day and has certainly ruined my cousin's. Sally had an 11 year old boy who was the diamond in my Aunt's eye. Poor lad. Sally said he's being strong... Please pray for them as they cope with this tragedy.
Hayley & I managed to get to Babs' house, eventually... I had been rather a prawn. I'd done AA Autoroute to Barnehurst on her post code BUT....... I hadn't put down her address... DER!!! So I rang my [very grumpy] Dobbo, who tutted & muttered but he came up with the address. I was so upset because I felt I'd let everyone down -- Hayley, because she was driving, and Babs because we had less time with her at her house.
We discussed FSUK ( and how the clubs would work out & the format. If we were going to do kits to go with the clubs or whether that side would be up to the club leader. We deccided that, for the first club night, we would use a kit to make a journal, with the idea that the members could write down any inspirations. Ironic, because Hayley had asked me to do exactly that, on our way up to Babs. Personally, I think it would be easier for us leaders to have control over kits from that point, it would take the pressure off Babs a bit. Of course we would look in her shop for embellishments etc.
It was good to meet Helen (aka 'Owl'), who had come all the way up to Babs (aka 'magic lady') (who is almost in London outskirts) from Hampshire. Hayley took a photo of us 3 together (Hayley doesn't do UKS yet) - I'll post this later as promised. I really do need to lose weight.......
It was such a shame that no-one else turned up except us who live further away... those who live closest didn't come. People are so busy at this time of the year that they make forgotten promises, unintentionally.
Did I say I'd finish by Friday????????????